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Nature’s Helpers

The green-fingered amongst us coming together to grow organic produce in abundance

Various Plots

Just starting to plant various vegetables in specially sectioned off areas.

Aubergine & Tomato Plants

Little aubergine and tomato plants to nuture at home

Beautiful Wild Pond

Water Mint and various other edible/medicinal pond plants

Tomatoes, Basil & Marigolds

Freshly planted tomatoes, basil and marigolds

Baby Cauliflowers

Baby cauliflowers ready to grow!

Tomatoes and Marigolds

Tomatoes & Marigolds in the poly tunnel

Medicinal/Herb Garden

Plants growing for medicinal purposes

Pond Herbs

Water herbs growing in abundance

Wild Pond Lillies

Beautiful lillies on the wild pond

Young Dragonfly

A young dragonfly just emerging after two years under water!


A well earned cuppa before carrying on!

Useful Links for gardening supplies